ELM 2023 Leaders

WELCOME TO THE Extended Leadership Meeting Communications Page. (This page is visible to the ELM participants only). There is another link in the members area accessible for all our sisters and Mary Ward circle of friends with a padlet link to share broader communications.

We begin with the Celebration of Eucharist on Sunday the 21st of May – The Ascension of the Lord

David Holcroft SJ will be our celebrant.

This meeting happens to be held during the final week (7th week) of Easter before Pentecost the following Sunday. No doubt the Spirit is at work already!

Leaders at ELM

Judy IligUSA
Helen TimothyUSA
Sabrina EdwardsSouth Asia
Elena CerdeirasSpain
Patricia McLaughlin Peru
Ann O’ConnellPeru
Barbara MurphyIreland
Jen BromhamUK
Lucy NderiEast Africa
Evanne HunterCanada
Mary MallanyCanada
Jane Mc DonnellCanada
Marie-Ange Lim Kim YeeMauritius
Therese Yaw Kan TongMauritius
Pat HanveySouth Africa
Wendy HildebrandAustralia & South East Asia
Geraldine MCAleerFinance
Carmel SwordsGen
Kate MyersGen
Geraldine MoktanGen
Natalie HoulihanGen
Mary KamothoGen

Faith-sharing groups for ELM week

Table 1   Kate, Mary M (Canada), Barbara (Ireland), Sabrina (South Asia), Patricia (Peru),

Table 2   Carmel, Evanne (Canada), Elena (Spain), Anne (Peru)

Table 3   Mary, Jane (Canada), Therese (Mauritius), Wendy (Australia South-East Asia)

Table 4   Geraldine, Lucy (Eastern Africa), Helen (USA), Pat (Zambia),

Table 5   Natalie, Jen (England), Marie Ange (Mauritius), Judy (USA), Geraldine (Finance)