Come join in the open circle! There are women and men all around the world who feel at home with Mary Ward’s spirituality and live her values of Justice, Peace, Sincerity, Verity (Truth), Felicity and Freedom.
You may discern to join in prayer circles or gather as a community of past students/alumnae. Others, join the circle as friends of Mary Ward seeking truth and doing justice and in some regions this is a more formal community known as associates. There are many amazing people working or volunteering with Mary Ward International all around the world. Many people are committed educators in Loreto schools or committed colleagues, professional staff or health professionals and carers with communities of sisters in the various regions and provinces. Some women discern to join the circle as a member of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary and become a Loreto Sister.
Cherish God’s vocation in you. Let it be constant, efficacious and loving.
Mary Ward