CJ Spain

July 29, 2022

The Congregation of Jesus has been present in Spain since 1939, when the sisters, coming from Germany, founded a house in Barcelona. The main ministry of the province is education. There are schools in Barcelona, Badalona and San Sebastian.

In the CJ schools a lot of importance is given to pastoral work, supporting Mary Ward groups, preparing children to receive the sacraments and conducting  workshops for both parents and pupils.

Some sisters carry out pastoral and social work outside schools.

One of the sisters is the director of the children’s home in Alza where children from dysfunctional families are taken care of. Others work as volunteers in Caritas and other institutions caring for migrants and other socially displaced people.

In 2012, the house “Maria Ward Extea” was built in San Sebastian for the elderly and sick sisters.

For more info, you can visit their web



In Spain, the IBVM are also present, and both congregations are already working together in different aspects, for example, in the creation of a joint Foundation for the eight Mary Ward schools in the country.